Venue: Clevedon Hall Nikki and Rakesh's very memorable wedding celebrations will be featured as a two-part blog post. Compared to some of the Indian weddings we do it's actually relatively small in size but really packs a punch in terms of vibrant colours, tones and characters! Needless to say, it was a fantastic event to cover and I'm really pleased Rakesh and Nikki chose to commission us to photograph such a momentous occasion.
The first of the wedding days took place in Bristol where Nikki's family are based. The venue was Clevedon Hall and involved a small civil ceremony swiftly followed by a Sikh ceremony, out of all of the Asian faiths, we photograph Sikh weddings the most.
The service was followed by lunch before we ended the day with a Doli at Nikki's parent's house. This is often quite an emotional time of the day where the bride's parents are bidding their daughter goodbye and wishing her well in her new life.
The couple was amazing to work with, a genuine pleasure. Here are just a few of my favourites: